Are You Prepared to Handle a Life Changing Accident?

Are You Prepared to Handle a Life Changing Accident?

Things in life can change at the drop of a dime. For example, news anchor Kyle Dyer most likely didn’t go into work anticipating she would almost have her lips severed when an 85-pound dog bit her face on air. Although this is an extreme example, things out of our control happen often. To learn more about keeping yourself safe, take a look at these resources. If you need personal injury representation in the St. Louis area, call Coyne Cundiff & Hillemann at (636) 235-0652.

  • This excerpt from Missouri’s statutes discusses a dog owner’s responsibility for any injuries the animal causes.
  • Lutheran General Hospital in Chicago recently agreed to pay Genesis Burkett’s payments a settlement of $8.25 million.
  • News anchor Kyle Dyer was bitten by a dog on-air and suffered severe injuries.
  • Because semi-trucks have numerous large blind spots, cars and motorcycles need to be especially careful around them.